Learn Programming.

''Learn programming''

How to get started?

Programming, or coding, is one of the bases of training in IT professions. The explosion of web professions has made this skill a major asset, highly valued by businesses. It is therefore essential to master the basics, if not more. However, at the sight of a code page, the task can sometimes seem overwhelming.

 This is not the case, on the contrary! Learning to code has never been easier, and it's easier and easier to find different courses and tutorials on the internet. Today, we'll walk you through the steps to get you started in your programming learning.

Programming languages

To begin with, it is important to know and know how to identify the different programming languages. In fact, there are different languages ​​in computer writing, each of which has its own rules, logic, and vocabulary. Each language can be used for different purposes, so depending on your goals, you may want to study one rather than the other.

It then becomes essential to know what type of content you want to create: website development, mobile applications, video games, artificial intelligence… the list goes on!

 Depending on the objective, the language to be learned may therefore vary. There are some recurrences, though, and some of them are much more popular than others, Among the most widespread and useful today, we find 10:


2: JavaScript

3: PHP

4: Python

5: Ruby

6: Java

7: C #, C or C ++

8: Swift

9: Scalia

10: Julia

To learn more about these languages ​​and discover their uses, don't hesitate to take a look at our article which will tell you which programming language to learn.

Tools for coding

Just like the choice of programming language, that of work tools is essential. There is a multitude of solutions, more or less advanced, to code and practice while learning. The main tool of the programmer is obviously the software that will allow him to write his code.

 Before choosing this first software, you must understand the difference between a text editor and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Text editors 

(Atom, Sublime Text, etc.) are the most common software in programming. They allow you to write code in an intuitive way, with auto-completion and syntax highlighting functions: the tool offers you to complete your code and highlights your possible errors. These are fairly light software, with simple initial functionalities, but which you can complete thanks to the extensions and add-ons available.


(BlueJ, L’Eclipse, etc.) are much heavier software, which naturally has the features that require the addition of an extension on a text editor. You are unlikely to need all of these features. However, they remain more efficient in terms of productivity.

 Knowing how to differentiate between these two types of software and correctly identifying its needs is a crucial step in getting on the right track in learning programming. Before selecting a particular one, make sure that it is compatible with your operating system: indeed, while some are cross-platform, others only work on Windows or macOS.

If you want to discover which tool is best for you, as well as possible extensions and other types of software, we invite you to discover the best tools for coding in 2021.

 Learn programming online 

Once your needs, in terms of languages ​​and software, have been perfectly defined, all you have to do is start learning!

 While with the sheer amount of resources available, it has become fairly easy to learn online, you still need to know how to identify the best places to find courses, tutorials, and advice. We've put together a list of some of the best websites, free and paid, that you can rely on throughout your programming training.

A benchmark for online learning, Open Classrooms has more than one million students who can train in different fields. Accessible from any medium, the platform offers a wide variety of free courses, as well as forums to allow users to help each other, to learn programming, or for any other skill.

 In addition to its free, very complete version, Open Classrooms offer various paid subscriptions, which will allow you to obtain programming certifications, and to be accompanied each week by a mentor.

Learn to program on YouTube

The courses and tutorials available on YouTube can teach you many things, including programming. There are plenty of channels offering coding training, often in a fun and relaxed way, without being ineffective. You will find your happiness there, whatever language (or software) you wish to discover.

 Some examples of YouTube channels dedicated to learning programming:

The New Boston:

 With over 2.5 million subscribers and nearly 500 million views, this is an institution offering courses at all levels.


 Advice and explanations on everything related to coding software and development, all with a touch of humor.

Languages, tools, courses, you now have all the keys in hand to start your programming learning. All you have to do is get started!


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